Instagram @twopoodles
What should we know about your Kriser’s location?
Kriser’s Streeterville is equidistant between the Magnificent Mile and Navy Pier, so believe it or not, we get our fair share of tourist shoppers! Our store is a rare case compared to other Kriser’s locations, being that our clientele is almost split down the middle between tourists and Streeterville residents. We are open and do grooming seven days a week. Parking can be scarce, but we offer free half hour validation for the the parking lot behind our store. We encourage customers to bring in their dogs while they are out on walks, whether or not they need anything, so we can say hello and give their dog a treat! 🙂
Instagram @kriserpets
How did you get involved in the pet industry?
2017 actually marks my tenth year working in the pet industry! In 2007, I spent some time working at The Anti-Cruelty Society, which was a little too sad for me for the long term. Then in 2008, I spent three years starting in the kennel and then working my way up to office manager of a small daycare and boarding facility. In 2011, I moved onto managing a neighborhood natural pet supply store and spent 4 years there before moving onto Kriser’s last year. I originally applied to Kriser’s because I had been out of the pet industry for a year and was starting to really miss it. There was a part time position available and I thought it would be fun to jump back into the field while I continued working in the restaurant industry. Within a month of working at Kriser’s, I was promoted to full time, and within three months I was managing the Streeterville location, and I love it!
Instagram @kriserpets
Upcoming Events:
Yappy Hour at O’Krisers
March 17th — 5pm-7pm
Come join us at our St. Patrick’s Day Yappy Hour for some dog-friendly Shamrock Shakes and a good time with your friends at O’Kriser’s Streeterville! See if you’ve got the “luck of the Irish” by entering to win a raffle prize valued at $100! There will be snacks for our humans as well, and our friends from The Honest Kitchen and Leopardogart will be here joining the fun!
National Puppy Day Yappy Hour
March 23rd — 5pm-7pm
There’s a ton of puppies running wild in Streeterville! Has your puppy made friends with its neighbors yet? Now is the time, at Kriser’s Streeterville’s Yappy Hour celebrating National Puppy Day! Bring in your puppy to play with some new friends and take home a goody bag full of free samples!
National Pet Day Event
April 8th — 12pm-3pm
More info coming soon!
Easter Event
April 15th — 12pm-3pm
More info coming soon!
Hairball Awareness Day Yappy Hour (Cat Event)
April 28th — 5pm-7pm
More info coming soon!
Mother’s Day Event
May 14th — 12pm-3pm
More info coming soon!
2nd Annual Spring Tune Up
May 27th — 12pm-3pm
More info coming soon!
Hug Your Cat Day (Cat Event)
June 4th — 12pm-3pm
More info coming soon!
Father’s Day Event
June 18th — 12pm-3pm
More info coming soon!
Summer Solstice Yappy Hour
June 21st — 5pm-7pm
More info coming soon!
If you’re looking for an entertaining time for you and your pup, check out Yappy Hours at Kriser’s! And if you’re interested in learning more about dog walking in your neighborhood, stop by these events and speak to a member of the Windy City Paws staff who will be joining in on the fun!
Kriser’s Natural Pet
356 E. Ohio Street
Chicago, IL 60611
(312) 951-1331
Instagram @kriserpets