Walker Spotlight: Sean K.

October 17, 2017

We love our walkers at Windy City Paws, and this month we want to introduce to you to Sean K, who has been with us for over a year!


Where are you from?
I grew up in the Chicago suburbs. I moved to a little town in Wisconsin after elementary school and then found my way back to Chicago after I graduated.

How did you end up in Chicago?
A very convincing realtor. 

What is your favorite pastime?
Hockey–both ice and roller!

What is your hidden talent?
My hacky sack skills. Oh, and my massage therapy abilities!

Do you have pets? If so, what kind and what are their names? Tell us about their personalities.
I have two dogs–a golden/lab spaz named Georgia and a neurotic little cockapoo named Mr. Finn. They are the best, though.

If you were a dog, what breed would you be and why?
I would be a Whippet since I’m a lanky, tall, skinny guy!

If dogs could run for public office, which breed do you think would make the best president?
Irish Setter

Why did you decide to become a dog walker?
Nothing is more enjoyable than spending time with dogs!

What’s the weirdest thing about being a dog walker?
Sometimes strangers try to start conversations with me because I’m walking a dog!

What would people never guess is part of your job as a dog walker?
Occasionally I need to give medication to dogs who are very resistant to taking a pill!  

What is your biggest pet peeve while walking dogs?
People who don’t leash their dog while on walks.

What’s the best part about being a dog walker?
There is no one “best” part! There are so many reasons that this is an amazing job: I get to be outside, I don’t have to constantly deal with people, the hours are great, and I look forward to actually getting up and going to work. 

Thank you so much for all of your hard work, Sean! If you would like to learn more about Sean and our other fantastic dog walkers, visit our website!